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Message From Director

Namaste, I am Rajkumar Lamsal, Chairperson of Sara Employment Pvt. Ltd. The following is the objective of my company. My company Sara Employment Pvt. Ltd. (Regd. No. 312545/080, 2080/02/01 B.S. (May 15, 2023A.D.) is a company registered at the office of Company Registrar Tripureshwor, Kathmandu and Licensed by Department of Foreign Employment (License No. 1628/079/080) with the main objective to minimize the unemployment rate which is created by the adverse current situation of Nepal. This company is established with the motto and commitment to identify the knowledge, skill and capacity of the skilled, semi skilled and unskilled human resources of the country, give appropriate space to their skill, provide them with the standard employment according to their qualification and capabilities, enable them earn income according to it and bring in such income to the country, strengthen the weak financial condition of the nation.